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Class Updates

May 17, 2017

MCAS tomorrow!

Tomorrow and Friday you will be taking the math MCAS! Review your guided notes if you'd like tonight to refresh concepts. Get a good night's sleep and a good breakfast in the morning. If you have a calculator you need to bring it Friday!!

May 12, 2017

Studying this weekend!

Your homework this weekend is to help you review for the MCAS that is next Thursday and Friday, May 18th and 19th. I am asking that you read through your guided notes two times over the course of the weekend. There are 13 guided notes and they all need to return to school Monday. Please have a parent/guardian sign your manila folder after you have read your notes twice this weekend!

May 08, 2017


Homework tonight is to complete the practice MCAS test that you worked on in class today. Please make sure to bring your answer booklets tomorrow - they will be collected!

April 25, 2017

TenMarks due tomorrow

Homework is to do your 2 TenMarks assignments tonight: Calculating Unit Rate & Identifying Proportional Relationships! Due tomorrow!!

April 24, 2017


Please finish your classwork for homework tonight. This includes the worksheet and the TenMarks assessment if you did not complete them in school today. 


Great job on the paper chain activity  today!!

April 10, 2017

Packet & Quiz this week

Today in class you received your Week 3 packet for homework. This packet is focused on the ratios and proportional relationships standards. The packet is due in class this Friday! If you need any help please feel free to email me or come to extra help Tuesday or Thursday morning.


You will be having a quiz on probability this Thursday! There will be extra help  Thursday morning. This is the first quiz of the 4th quarter!

April 03, 2017

Packets and Corrections due Friday!

Your homework tonight is to continue working on your Week 2 packets that you received today. These packets are due by class on Friday. No calculators allowed!


Also a reminder that quiz corrections for your probability quizzes are due by Friday!

March 28, 2017


Today you will be receiving a packet to start for homework tonight. You DO NOT have to finish it tonight. You will have time in class this week and you will have the rest of the week at home to complete it. The packet is due by Friday! We will be continuing to do this weekly as a review for the MCAS.

March 27, 2017


You will be having the last quiz of the quarter on Wednesday! It will be on experimental probability, both simple and compound events.


Extra help will be Wednesday morning from 8:00 - 8:25 AM.


You will be taking SMI on Thursday and Friday of this week as well! Please try your best on this!

March 21, 2017

Finish all work!

Tonight for homework you have to finish your classwork from stations. This includes: 1 probability TenMarks assignment, the 12.2 worksheet, and page 370-380 #4 - 11 in your GO Math textbook.


You also have the spiral review worksheet (5 questions) to complete tonight.

March 20, 2017


Tonight for homework please complete the review worksheet on the five standards.

March 07, 2017

Next Test!

Your next test will be on Tuesday, March 14th. Your test will be on our Statistics Unit, including topics such as dot and box and whisker plots, comparing data displayed in these types of graphs, random vs biased samples, mean median mode and range.

March 06, 2017


Tonight for homework you have to complete a worksheet on Mean Absolute Deviation that we began in class.

March 02, 2017


Today in class we started a project for our statistics unit. Students measured their forearms and feet so we can compare the lengths. According to research, these two distances should be equivalent. We are collecting data for the entire class and then creating two box and whisker plots (one for forearm data and one for feet data). Students will then analyze and draw conclusions on their findings. We will continue working on the project in class tomorrow and should finish it up!

March 01, 2017

TenMarks due tomorrow!

Your homework tonight is to complete the 5 question  TenMarks assignment on Statistics. This will be due tomorrow!

February 27, 2017

GO Math page

Tonight for homework you have to complete page 330 in your GO Math textbook. If you forgot to bring your book home, please go under my Resources tab and log into the textbook's website using the info provided. You can either print the page out or do it on a separate sheet of paper.

February 16, 2017

Get Those TenMarks In & Worksheet!

Tonight for homework you have a worksheet ​on constructing and interpreting box and whisker plots. Click on the bold for a copy.


Tonight is your last night to finish your 4 TenMarks due tomorrow. If you do not finish them, it will be a HW Zone.

February 15, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on constructing and interpreting a dot plot. Click on the bold for a copy! Don't forget your 4 TenMarks are due Friday!!

February 14, 2017

Homework Tonight / This Week

Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on populations and samples. Please make sure you explain your answers in order to receive full credit! Click on the bold for a copy.


Reminder - you have 4 TenMarks assignments (all on past concepts) that are due by this Friday! If you will be absent Friday, make sure you have them submitted prior to leaving for vacation! 

February 12, 2017

Snow Day Math

Please login to your TenMarks accounts to see recently added TenMarks assignments to work on while home on your snow day. These will be due by Friday, before you go on February vacation. Please stay warm and be safe!

February 06, 2017

Homework Worksheet

Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on volume. Please read the top of the one side that has both explanations and examples provided to help you. Don't forget it is double sided and our units must be cubed! Click on the bold for a copy. 

February 03, 2017

TenMarks due Monday!

This weekend you have 3 TenMarks assignments to complete that will be due by Monday. The assignments are "Finding Perimeter," "Finding Area," and "Area of Composite Figures."  

February 01, 2017

TenMarks due Friday!

The TenMarks assignment that you worked on in class today (Finding Surface Area) is due by Friday! Don't forget you also have your quiz on Friday.


Extra help will be Friday morning NOT tomorrow morning!

January 31, 2017

Quiz Friday!

Your next quiz will be this Friday! The following topics will be covered on your quiz:

- Circumference of Circles

- Area of Shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles, etc.)

- Area of Composite Shapes (two shapes put together - for ex. square and semi-circle)

- Surface Area (finding the area of a 3D shape)

January 23, 2017

Area Worksheet

Tonight your homework is a worksheet on finding the area of all different 2D shapes. Click on the bold for a copy! Don't forget all quiz corrections are due tomorrow - tomorrow is the last day of Quarter 2!

January 20, 2017


Your homework this weekend is to complete the Circles worksheet​. Click on the bold for a copy! Remember, there is a video under my Resources tab that will remind you how to calculate Area and Circumference. Don't  forget to put units for all of your answers!

January 17, 2017

SMI Tomorrow!

Students will be taking SMI (Scholastic Math Inventory) Assessment tomorrow during class. Please try your best on this assessment! We are looking to see growth from the first round of testing that was back in September. Our goal is students to be in the proficiency range!

January 11, 2017

Quiz Tuesday!

No homework tonight! However, remember you have your quiz on Module 8 on Tuesday! (We do not have school on Monday!)  Extra help will be tomorrow morning as well as Tuesday morning! Please make sure to come if you have any questions on the following topics:   scale drawings, constructing triangles, cross-sections, and angles. We will be practicing all of these topics in class the next two days!

January 10, 2017


Tonight for homework you have to finish the work from stations today in class: the angles worksheet & the Cross-Sections TenMarks assignment. Click on the bold for a copy of the worksheet!

January 09, 2017

Homework & Next Quiz!

Tonight's homework is to complete the worksheet on triangle sides and cross-sections. Please click on the bold for a copy. The cross-sections side is based on the videos you watched in class today. To view them again, click the Resources tab and scroll down to the bottom.


Your next quiz will be on Tuesday, January 17th. The quiz will be on Module 8 - scale drawings & similar figures, constructing triangles, cross-sections, and angles. This is the day we return to school after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There is extra help tomorrow morning, Thursday morning, and the morning of the quiz. If you would like to stay after school instead please come see me to schedule a time.

January 06, 2017

TenMarks due Monday!

Homework this weekend is to complete the "Classifying Triangles" TenMarks assignment!

January 04, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on scale drawings and scale factor. A scale factor is just the relationship between the two proportions. For example, if there is a scale factor of 4, that means you should multiply the dimensions by 4 to get the enlarged dimensions.

January 03, 2017


Tonight for homework you have to complete page 240 in your GO Math textbook. Don't forget if you go to my Resources tab, there is a link to the online textbook if you forgot yours in school!

December 20, 2016

Homework in textbook tonight!

Tonight's homework is to complete pages 229 - 230 in the GO Math textbook! If you did not bring your textbook home, there is a link to the textbook website under the Resources. Simply print it out or do it on a separate sheet of paper!

December 19, 2016

Quiz Thursday!

Your next quiz will be this Thursday! It will be on the following topics:


- Simplifying algebraic expressions through combining like terms and distributive property

- Solving One-Step equations and inequalities

- Solving Two-Step equations and inequalities

- Writing Equations and inequalities using our model

- Graphing solutions to inequalities


** Extra help is tomorrow morning and Thursday morning!!

December 19, 2016


Tonight for homework you have a double-sided worksheet​ on Writing Equations and Inequalities. I tried to set up the model for most of the problems but left a few for you to try on your own as well. You DO NOT have to solve these equations - simply write them! Click on the bold for a copy!

December 15, 2016

TenMarks due tomorrow!

Tonight's homework is to finish the 3 TenMarks assignments that you worked on in class today! They were titled "Solving One Step Equations with Addition and Subtraction," "Solving One Step Equations with Multiplication and Division," and "Reviewing One Step Linear Equations."

December 13, 2016


Your homework tonight is to complete the worksheet on solving one-step equations and inequalities by multiplying and dividing. Click on the bold for a copy. 


Remember you have to do the inverse operation AND if the variable is NEGATIVE on an inequality you must flip the direction of the inequality symbol!


Quiz corrections are due by Thursday as well as this week's POW!

December 12, 2016


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on solving one-step equations and inequalities. Remember you have to isolate the variable! You do this by performing inverse operations! Click on the bold for a copy!


**REMEMBER: If you are able to do quiz corrections on the quiz you got back today (so if you got less than an 80%) these are due by THIS Thursday! Under my resources tab there is a step-by-step explanation for how to complete corrections so that you receive points back. 

December 06, 2016

Quiz Tomorrow!

Today in class we created a study guide to help you study for your quiz. Everything you need to know is on this guide! In case you forgot your copy in school, please click on the bold for a copy I made. Good luck studying!


As a last reminder, your 4 Percent TenMarks are due tomorrow!

December 05, 2016


Tonight for homework is a worksheet on simple interest. Your 4 Percent TenMarks assignments are due THIS Wednesday! Your next quiz will be on Wednesday as well. It is on percent change, markup/markdown, and applications of percents: tax, tip, discount, and simple interest. 

December 01, 2016


Yesterday you were assigned four TenMarks assignments. These will be due on Wednesday, December 7th! Your only HW tonight is to continue working on these. Please manage your time wisely and do not save these all for the night before!


The assignments are titled: "Proportional Reasoning with Percents," "Percent Relationships," "Calculating Percents," and "Solving Percent Word Problems."

November 29, 2016


Tonight's homework is a worksheet​ on applications of percent change: markup/markdown with real-world vocabulary. Click on the bold for a copy!

November 28, 2016


Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend! Tonight's homework is a worksheet on markup/markdown problems. Please refer to the top of the worksheet for a  reminder of the steps to solve these problems. Click on the bold for a copy!

November 22, 2016


Tonight's worksheet is on percent of change. Remember the formula we learned today:


percent of change = (the amount of change / or difference) divided by (the original amount)   x 100

November 21, 2016


Homework tonight is to finish working on the worksheet we started in class. Remember to use the sheet you received with the proportions in order to help set these problems up. Then cross multiply and then divide by the other number (the one across from the variable)! Click on the bold for a copy.

November 16, 2016


Today you worked on your 4 TenMarks assignments on Proportional Relationships. These are 5 questions each. Unfortunately these shortened versions do not over you a Do-Over. If you are unhappy with any of your grades on these assignments, you can ask me to reassign you the specific one(s) you would like to try again. I will count the higher score towards your grade. These TenMarks assignments are due this Friday!


This week's POW (extra credit problem) is due tomorrow by 2:55 pm like always. Reminder, if you get 4 correct you will gain +3 points on your lowest quiz grade this quarter!


Your quiz on Module 4 is Friday! It is on unit rates, identifying proportional relationships, and finding the constant of proportionality. Extra help will be tomorrow morning.

November 14, 2016

Homework & Next Quiz

Tonight's homework is the "Identifying Constant of Proportionality" Worksheet. Click on the bold for a copy. You need to find "k" and then write your answer in the form of y=kx.


Your next quiz will be THIS FRIDAY, November 18th. It will be on Module 4 - unit rates, determining proportional relationships, and representing them on tables, on graphs, and in equations.


Extra help will be held tomorrow morning and Thursday morning if you feel like you need extra practice!

November 09, 2016

TenMarks due tomorrow!

Your homework tonight is to complete the "Calculating Unit Rate" TenMarks assignment. Please use the hints, I looked over a bunch and they are helpful! Also, drawing a picture for many of the problems will help you best figure out how you need to proceed in order to solve them.

November 07, 2016


Tonight's homework is 4.1 Worksheet on Unit Rates. Please read the directions carefully to see what each question is asking for - they are very specific! Click on the bold for a copy!

November 06, 2016

Unit Test Retakes Tomorrow!

Reminder: If you would like to retake the Unit 1 Test, you can come to extra help tomorrow morning from 8:00 - 8:30 AM or stay after school tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 PM. 


** Tests count for 30% of your overall grade!

November 03, 2016

TenMarks due tomorrow!

Tonight's homework is to finish the TenMarks assignment titled "Representing Ratios" that is due tomorrow! This is the last TenMarks assignment of the first quarter! Try your best!!

November 01, 2016

Test Tomorrow!

Your Unit 1 Test is tomorrow! Please make sure to review your graphic organizers that we made together. These will help you remember all of the procedures for the different number types as well as the signs! Another great way to study, like we talked about, is to go back through your review packets and try to correct any problems you got incorrect.

October 31, 2016

Homework tonight & Test Wednesday!

Tonight's homework is to complete the review packet that you worked on in class on Friday. These questions are a GREAT review for your test on Wednesday. Make sure to use your graphic organizers from class today if you get stuck on any problems!


Another reminder that your Unit 1 Test is on Wednesday. Extra help is tomorrow morning or after school. PLEASE make sure you come if you feel like you need extra practice. This is your last big grade of Quarter 1!

October 26, 2016

Upcoming Test!!

Your first unit test of the year will be a week from today - on Wednesday, November 3rd!! This will cover all operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing) with integers, fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers! 


This will be the last assessment before grades close for the first quarter! Extra help will be tomorrow morning, Tuesday morning, and Wednesday morning!

October 26, 2016


Tonight's homework is another worksheet on multiplying and dividing rational numbers. Be careful of your signs!  Click on the bold for a copy!


Remember - same signs = positive , different signs = negative !


**Don't forget your POW is due tomorrow! See my resources tab for this week's problem!

After this week, there is only one more POW before the first quarter ends!

October 24, 2016


Tonight's homework is a worksheet practicing multiplying and dividing rational numbers. Click on the bold for a copy!

October 19, 2016


Tonight's homework is to finish the performance task that we worked on in class today. Please make sure you write neatly and read the directions of what the problems are asking you to do! If you forgot yours in school, click on the bold for a blank copy!

October 17, 2016

Upcoming Quiz

Your next quiz will be on this Friday, October 21st. It will be on adding and subtracting rational numbers, as well as converting rational numbers, so turning decimals into fractions and fractions into decimals.


Extra Help is Tuesday & Thursday morning this week - please make sure you come in early if you feel like you are struggling in any way.


Other great ways to study that we brainstormed today:

- doing some Jam Sessions on this material

- watching some videos I have posted under my Resources page

- doing practice problems (copy problems from old HW and classwork on a new piece of paper and try to solve them again

October 13, 2016


Tonight's homework is to complete your TenMarks assignment that you started in class today. It is titled "Understanding Addition of Rational Numbers."

October 11, 2016


Tonight for homework please complete page 72 in your Go Math textbook. If you forgot your textbook in school, go to the Resources tab on my website and login to the online version of your book!

October 10, 2016

TenMarks due tomorrow!

If you weren't able to finish your TenMarks assignment in class on Friday, remember it is due tomorrow! Your assignment is called "Converting Rational Numbers."




If they provide you a chart and are asking the decimal form of one of the categories, you first need to set up a fraction:  the part they are asking about over the whole (the sum of the categories in the chart) then divide the fraction into a decimal!

October 05, 2016


Tonight's homework is to finish the packet from class on converting rational numbers. Click on the bold if you forgot your packet in school, or would like to look at examples of problems done out for you!

October 03, 2016

Quiz Tomorrow!

You will have your second quiz tomorrow. It is on multiplying and dividing integers!  Reminder that I have extra help tomorrow morning from 8:00 - 8:30 AM if you would like extra practice or to review before hand.




- If the numbers have the same signs,  (ex:  both positive or both negative)  the product will be POSITIVE!

- If the numbers have different signs  (one negative and one positive)    the product will be NEGATIVE!

September 28, 2016

Tonight's HW and Upcoming Quiz!

Tonight's homework is Worksheet 2.2 on dividing integers. Click the title for a copy.




** Your next quiz will be on Tuesday, October 4th!  The quiz will be on multiplying and dividing integers.  I am available for extra help tomorrow and Tuesday morning.

September 27, 2016


Tonight's homework is a worksheet on Multiplying Integers. Click on the bold to open a copy!

September 26, 2016


Tonight's homework is Worksheet 2.1​ ... If you forgot yours in school click on the bold to open a copy!

September 21, 2016

TenMarks due Friday

The "adding and subtracting integers" TenMarks assignment under the classwork section is due Friday! 


Looking for more ways to study for your quiz??  Try working on the adding and subtracting integers Jam Session on TenMarks! 

September 19, 2016

First Quiz

Just a reminder that your first quiz of the year will be this Friday. It will be on adding and subtracting integers. We will review in class on Thursday. Make sure you remember the 3 rules we have learned:


1 - when adding integers with the same signs, add and keep the sign

2- when adding integers with different signs, subtract the numbers and keep the sign of the number with the biggest absolute value

3 - when subtracting integers, Keep Change Change - it always works!

September 19, 2016


Tonight's homework will be page 32 in your Go Math textbook. Remember, if you forget to bring home your book - go to my resources page and use the login credentials to access the online page to print out!

September 15, 2016


Tonight your homework is Worksheet 1.3 D .. Click the bold to open a copy! 


Also, don't forget your TenMarks assignment is due tomorrow!

September 13, 2016


Your only homework tonight is to work on your TenMarks assignment that is due Friday! Make sure to manage your time wisely this week!


Remember your login information is -


Username: first two letters of your first name then your last name

Password: winthrop

September 12, 2016


Homework tonight is Worksheet 1.2 D .. If you forgot yours in school just click on the bold to open a copy!

September 07, 2016

Math Newsletter

Tonight's homework is to read over the math newsletter, sign it, and have a parent/guardian sign it as well. Parents - please include an email address you can be reached at. Thank you!

September 06, 2016

First Day

Congratulations on completing your first day of seventh grade! It was so nice to meet all of you and I am now even more excited for this year! Make sure to complete all the paperwork you received today with your parents/guardians and return it ASAP! Also don't forget to sign up for your correct classes on Remind!

September 06, 2016

Welcome Back!

Happy first day of school. Check back here to find homework updates each week, upcoming tests/quizzes, and other important dates.

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