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Class Updates

May 17, 2017

Answer Keys!

As promised, here are the answer keys to the work we did in class today - both the first worksheet and the review packet on geometry. Click on the bold to open the link. Please feel free to email if you have ANY questions. As a reminder, it was not homework to complete - it was just if you wanted additional practice and/or wanted to see how you did in class. Get a good night's sleep tonight so you are all ready to rock the MCAS tomorrow!

May 12, 2017

Homework this weekend

For homework this weekend you have to finish the packet that you started after your quiz Friday. This is a review packet to help you practice for the MCAS. The MCAS is next Thursday and Friday, May 18th and 19th. 

May 08, 2017


Please make sure to complete the classwork assignments from class for homework tonight.


You are responsible for having the "Writing Linear Equations Using Slope-Intercept Form" TenMarks completed and the Ratio and Proportional Relationships packet completed by class tomorrow!


You will have a quiz on Friday on all slope concepts!

April 25, 2017

TenMarks due tomorrow

Homework is to do your 1 TenMarks assignments tonight: Understanding Graphs with Proportional Relationships! Due tomorrow!!

April 24, 2017


Please complete the 16.1 Worksheet tonight for homework. Click on the bold for a copy!

April 10, 2017

HW & Quiz

Please finish your TenMarks assignment if you did not in class as well as the first 12 questions on your scientific notation worksheet.


Today in class you received your Week 3 packet for homework. This packet is focused on the ratios and proportional relationships standards. The packet is due in class this Friday! If you need any help please feel free to email me or come to extra help Tuesday or Thursday morning.


You will be having a quiz on exponent properties and scientific notation this Thursday! There will be extra help Thursday morning. This is the first quiz of the 4th quarter!

April 03, 2017


Homework tonight is to finish your classwork from your stations: TenMarks and exponents/radicals worksheet since you all finished your Google forms!

March 28, 2017

Homework Worksheet

Tonight for homework please finish the probability darts worksheet if you did not in class today!

March 27, 2017


Your next quiz is tomorrow! It will be on Module 14 - real numbers. It will include converting fractions into decimals, estimating square roots of imperfect squares, and ordering real numbers from least to greatest.


Extra help will be tomorrow morning from 8:00 - 8:25 AM.


You will be taking SMI on Thursday and Friday of this week as well! Please try your best on this!

March 21, 2017

Finish Classwork!

Tonight for homework please complete what you have left of the three assignments from class today. These include: 2 TenMarks assignments on subtracting rational numbers and multiplying rational numbers, a worksheet on equations, and pages 449 - 450.

March 20, 2017

Finish Classwork for HW!

Tonight for homework please finish any of the 3 activities that you did not complete during class time. 

March 15, 2017

Finish Classwork!

Today for homework you have to finish the classwork from today: 2 TenMarks assignments, Combining Like Terms worksheet, & Rational & Irrational Numbers Worksheet. Remember, if you pass it in tomorrow morning and hit the accuracy expectation you can help add points to your team!

March 06, 2017

TenMarks due Thursday! Next Test!

Today in class you began two TenMarks assignments on Compound Probability. These assignments are due by the time you arrive to school on Thursday.


Reminder, your next test will be this Thursday on Modules 12 and 13 - Theoretical and Experimental Probability, Simple and Compound Events with Probability.

March 02, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on compound probability with dependent events. Remember, if a balloon is taken away, it alters the total number of balloons (and possibly the numerator depending upon what color it is!) It is called "Unbelievable Balloons."

March 01, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on compound probability with tree diagrams called "Waiting for the Big One."

February 27, 2017


Tonight for homework you have to finish your double-sided worksheet on probability. Please make sure that your answers are in simplest form.

February 16, 2017

Get Those TenMarks In & Worksheet!

Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on probability. Click on the bold for a copy. 


Tonight is your last chance to finish your TenMarks that are due tomorrow! If you do not finish these, you will be assigned a HW Zone.

February 15, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on making predictions based on probability. Click on the bold for a copy. Don't forget your 4 TenMarks are due Friday!

February 14, 2017

Homework Tonight / This Week

Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on probability - both experimental and theoretical. Remember experimental is based on results, theoretical is what you expect to happen. Click on the bold for a copy.


Reminder - you have 4 TenMarks assignments (all on past concepts) that are due by this Friday! If you will be absent Friday, make sure you have them submitted prior to leaving for vacation! 

February 12, 2017

Snow Day Math

Please login to your TenMarks accounts to see recently added TenMarks assignments to work on while home on your snow day. These will be due by Friday, before you go on February vacation. Please stay warm and be safe!

February 07, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on the Probability of Simple Events. Please click on the bold for a copy. Also, if you did not finish the TenMarks during class today (there were a few of you) please complete it tonight!

February 06, 2017


Homework tonight is to complete the puzzle worksheet on probability and finish all 5 of your TenMarks assignments. Both the worksheet and TenMarks are due tomorrow!  Click on the bold for a copy of the worksheet.

February 03, 2017

TenMarks due Tuesday!

This weekend you have 5 TenMarks assignments to complete that will be due by Tuesday. The assignments are "Understanding and Inferring Sample Data," "Inferring Variation in Data Samples," "Understanding Overlap of Data Distributions," "Using Measures of Center to Draw Inferences," and "Measures of Center and Variability to Draw Inferences." 

January 31, 2017

Test Thursday!

You will have a test on our Statistics unit this Thursday! The following topics will be covered:

- mean, median, mode, range, IQR, outliers

- constructing & interpreting dot and box plots

- biased vs. random samples

- predicting a number in a population based off of a sample (using proportions)

January 23, 2017


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on constructing and comparing data displayed in box plots. The worksheet is double sided! Click on the bold for a copy! Don't  forget all quiz corrections must be turned in by tomorrow - it is the last day of the quarter!

January 20, 2017

Take Home Test!

Your homework this weekend is to complete your take home test on Unit 4. This will be due Monday and is your first grade of the 3rd quarter! Make sure to use pencil and include all your units! Important things to keep in mind:


- You CAN use a calculator

- You CAN use your notes / formula sheet

- You CANNOT use the internet or any other outside resources (including but not limited to family, friends, etc.)

- You CANNOT to work on these with classmates

January 17, 2017

SMI Tomorrow!

Students will be taking SMI (Scholastic Math Inventory) Assessment tomorrow during class. Please try your best on this assessment! We are looking to see growth from the first round of testing that was back in September. Our goal is students to be in the proficiency range!

January 11, 2017


Your homework tonight is to make sure pg. 281 in your GO Math textbook is complete, as well as the worksheet on Surface Area. You also have to have completed the following TenMarks assignments by tomorrow:

- "Finding Perimeter"

- "Finding Area"

- "Finding Surface Area"

- "Finding Volume"

- "Area of Composite Figures"


Don't forget your quiz is Tuesday! (We do not have school on Monday!) If you feel like you need practice with any of the topics above, please come to extra help either tomorrow morning or Tuesday morning. We will be continuing to practice all of these skills tomorrow and Friday during classes!

January 09, 2017

Homework & Next Quiz!

Tonight for homework you have to finish the classwork that you were unable to. You either have to complete the "Area and Circumference of Circles" TenMarks assignment or complete page 287 in your GO Math textbook, OR you might have to do a little of both - depending upon which you started with in class.


Your next quiz will be on Tuesday, January 17th. This is the day we return back to school after Martin  Luther King Jr. Day. Your quiz will be on Module 9 - finding area & circumference of circles, area of composite shapes, surface area, and volume. Extra help will be tomorrow morning, Thursday morning, and the morning of your quiz.

January 06, 2017


Homework this weekend is to finish the classwork from class today on finding the area of composite shapes.

January 04, 2017


Tonight for homework you have worksheet 9.1 on circumference. Remember, C = pi x diameter.   Keep in mind when to use 3.14 vs  22/7   - always use the simpler option!

January 03, 2017


Tonight for homework you have to complete page 269 in your GO Math textbook. Don't forget if you go to my Resources tab, there is a link to the online textbook if you forgot yours in school!

December 20, 2016

Homework tonight in textbook!

Tonight's homework is to complete page 259 in the GO Math textbook! If you did not bring your textbook home, there is a link to the textbook website under the Resources. Simply print it out or do it on a separate sheet of paper!

December 19, 2016

Quiz Thursday!

Your next quiz will be this Thursday! It will be on the following topics:


- Using a scale to determine dimensions with a scale drawing / proportions!

- Understanding the criteria to construct a triangle (ex: the 3 angles must add up to 180 degrees)

- Determining if given dimensions will result in many, none, or a unique triangle

- Determining cross-sections formed by slicing a solid

- Solving for missing angles using angle relationships


** Extra help will be tomorrow morning and WEDNESDAY morning! (Weds. will be a special P4 extra help session - there is no extra help for P4 on Thursday!)

December 19, 2016


Tonight for homework you have a worksheet on solving for missing angles with using equations. Click on the bold for a copy!

December 15, 2016


Tonight's homework is to finish the packet on geometry that we began today in class. Click on the bold for a copy!

December 13, 2016


Your homework tonight is to complete the worksheet on scale drawings. Please make sure you are setting up proportions!! Click on the bold for a copy! Don't forget that your two TenMarks assignments on inequalities are due by Thursday!


Any quiz corrections as well as this week's POW are also due on Thursday!

December 12, 2016

TenMarks due Thursday!

Your homework tonight is to begin working on your two TenMarks assignments that are due this Thursday!  These are on Solving Inequalities!



**Remember, if you received less than an 80% on the quiz you got back today, you should complete quiz corrections. Under my resources tab, there is a step-by-step explanation how to complete this properly. The corrections are due by THIS Thursday!

December 08, 2016

TenMarks due Monday!

You have TWO TenMarks assignments on solving multi-step equations due on Monday!

December 07, 2016


Tonight's homework is in your GO Math textbook. If you forgot yours in school, you can access an online version of the textbook right on my website under the Resources tab. Your homework assignment is to complete #11-17, 19-21, and 23-25 on pages 209-210 , then #8-17 on page 221.


If you forgot your notes from today's lesson in school, you can find some helpful hints and examples done out for you right in your textbook just a few pages before these problems! Be resourceful!

December 05, 2016


Your homework is to finish your 6 TenMarks assignments that are due tomorrow! Your quiz is tomorrow on solving one and two step equations, writing two-step equations, and simplifying algebraic expressions by combining like terms, distributive property, and factoring. Extra help will be tomorrow morning!

December 01, 2016


Your only homework tonight is to continue working on your six TenMarks assignments that are due on Tuesday, December 6th. See below for the initial TenMarks post with more information.

November 29, 2016


Tonight's homework is a worksheet on solving one-step equations. The more you practice, the closer you will get to mastery! Click on the bold for a copy!

November 28, 2016


Today you were assigned a total of 6 TenMarks assignments. These will all be due Tuesday, December 6th. That is a little over a week away. I strongly encourage you to use your time wisely and DO NOT save all of this for the night before it is due! I would do a little bit each night over the course of the next few days. Try to do the ones you find easiest first! We will be working on this material in class all week so the assignments should seem simpler as we progress through the week. 


The assignments are titled: "Solve & Expand: Linear Expressions with Rational Coefficients," "Properties of Operations," "Solving One Step Equations: Addition & Subtraction," "Solving One Step Equations: Multiplication & Division," "Review One Step Linear Equations," and "Using Equations to Solve Word Problems." 

November 28, 2016


Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend! Tonight's homework is a worksheet on solving one-step equations. Remember - you need to isolate the variable! You do this by performing the inverse (opposite) operation that is being done! Click on the bold for a copy!

November 22, 2016


Tonight's homework is on factoring expressions. Remember you want to take out the GCF (the greatest common factor)!

November 16, 2016


Your 2 TenMarks assignments on percents that you worked on in class yesterday are due this Friday!


This week's POW (extra credit problem) is due tomorrow by 2:55 pm like always. Reminder, if you get 4 correct you will gain +3 points on your lowest quiz grade this quarter!


Your quiz on Module 5 was pushed back to this Friday! It is on converting between percents and decimals, finding percent change, applying markups/markdowns, and simple interest. Extra help will be tomorrow morning.

November 14, 2016

Homework & Next Quiz

Tonight's homework is to complete page 156 in your GO Math textbook. If you did not bring your book home, remember the link to the online version is under my Resources tab.


Your next quiz will be THIS THURSDAY, November 17th. It will be on percent change, markups/markdowns, and applications of percents - tax, tips, interest!


Extra help will be tomorrow morning and Thursday morning if you feel like you need extra  practice.

November 09, 2016


Tonight's homework is the percent of change worksheet with markups and markdowns. Click on the bold for a copy. In case you forgot to bring home your notes, to find a markup you:

1. need to find the percent OF the original number/cost

2. then ADD it onto the original number/cost


To find a markdown you:

1. find the percent OF the original number/cost

2. then SUBTRACT it from the original number/cost


November 07, 2016


Tonight's homework is a worksheet on Percent of Change. Please read the directions carefully. You ARE allowed to use a calculator! :)   Click on the bold for a copy!

January 01, 2020


Remember, your homework tonight changed from the worksheet to the textbook!


Tonight's assignment is to finish page 144 in your textbook - if you forgot yours in school or didn't rip out the page, go to my resources tab to access the online version.


Remember, the formula for percent change = amount of change / original amount  .. You can use a calculator!

November 03, 2016

TenMarks due tomorrow!

Just a reminder that your two  TenMarks assignments are due tomorrow! These are the last TenMarks assignments of the first quarter! Many of you have already finished them and rocked them! The rest of you make sure to get these done tonight! Finish Quarter 1 strong!

November 01, 2016

TenMarks due Friday

You have two TenMarks assignments that are due Friday. These assignments are titled "Identifying the Constant of Proportionality" and "Representing Proportional Relationships Graphically." If you do not have a computer at home, please come to extra help one day this week to complete these. 

October 31, 2016

Quiz tomorrow!

Don't forget that your quiz on Module 4 is tomorrow! Make sure to review your class notes and review packet you got back today in class. If you feel like you need extra practice, PLEASE come to extra help tomorrow morning!

October 26, 2016

TenMarks due Friday

Tonight's homework is to begin working on your two TenMarks assignments that are due this Friday! They are "Calculating Unit Rate" and "Identifying Proportional Relationships." If you need help feel free to come to work on it tomorrow morning at extra help!


**Don't forget your POW is due tomorrow! See my resources tab for this week's problem!

After this week, there is only one more POW before the first quarter ends!

October 24, 2016


Tonight's homework will be 4.1 Worksheet on Unit Rates. Please read carefully to make sure you are following the correct instructions for each section! Click on the bold for a copy!

October 19, 2016

Bring Headphones!

No homework tonight. Congratulations on completing our first unit of the year!


Please remember to bring headphones/earbuds to class tomorrow!!

October 17, 2016

Homework & Test!

Tonight's homework is to complete pages 101-102 in your Go Math Textbook. If you forgot your textbook in school, go to my Resources page and login to the online version.


Reminder that your first unit test is this Wednesday! See my last post for more details regarding what is on it!


October 13, 2016

Important Reminders & Updates!!

Tonight's HW is to finish working on your two TenMarks assignments!! These are due tomorrow, Friday, October 14th!


This is also a reminder that your quiz on multiplying and dividing rational numbers is tomorrow!


**You will have your first TEST next week as we have come to the end of our first unit in Go Math! The test will be on Wednesday, October 19th. It will cover ALL operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and converting) with rational numbers (integers, fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers). You are encouraged to come to extra help any morning next week if you have any questions!

October 12, 2016

TenMarks due Friday!

Your homework tonight is to keep working on your TenMarks assignments that you began during stations today in class. Your assignments are due Friday, October 14th! The two assignments are "Applying Multiplication and Division to Rational Numbers" and "Applying Division to Integers and Fractions."


If you cannot access a computer at home, you need to come in early to complete these assignments BEFORE Friday! If you have any questions, please come to extra help to ask about them!

October 11, 2016

Homework & Next Quiz!

Tonight for homework please complete pages 93-94 in your Go Math textbook. If you forgot your textbook in school, go to the Resources tab on my website and login to the online version of your book!


Also, your NEXT QUIZ will be this Friday!! (October 14th) It will be on multiplying and dividing rational numbers!

October 10, 2016

TenMarks due tomorrow!

If you weren't able to finish your TenMarks assignment in class on Friday, remember it is due tomorrow! Your two assignments are "Multiplying Rational Numbers" and "Multiplying Integers and Fractions."

October 06, 2016


Tonight's homework is Worksheet 3.4 on multiplying rational numbers. Click the bold for a copy.

October 03, 2016

TenMarks due Wednesday!

Tonight for homework you have one TenMarks assignment that will be due this Wednesday. The assignment is titled "Applying Addition and Subtraction to Rational Numbers." This is a GREAT review for your quiz on Wednesday.


Remember that TenMarks Assignments/Projects make up 20% of your overall grade!

October 03, 2016

Quiz Wednesday!

Your second quiz will be this Wednesday! It is on adding and subtracting rational numbers. Reminder, if you feel like you need to review or would like some extra practice, I am available for extra help tomorrow morning from 8:00 - 8:30 AM.



- When adding or subtracting fractions, you need a common denominator!

- When adding or subtracting decimals, you must line up the decimal points!

- Always make sure to write your answer in simplest form!

September 30, 2016


Your TenMarks assignment on "Adding Rational Numbers" is due Monday!



September 28, 2016

Homework and Upcoming Quiz!

Tonight's homework is Worksheet 3.2 on adding rational numbers . Click the title for a copy.




** Your next quiz will be on Wednesday, October 5th!  The quiz will be on adding and subtracting rational numbers (integers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers).  I am available for extra help tomorrow and Tuesday morning.

September 27, 2016


Your "Converting Rational Numbers to Decimals" TenMarks assignment is due Friday!

September 26, 2016


Tonight's homework is Worksheet 3.1​ ... If you forgot yours in school click on the bold to open a copy!

September 21, 2016

TenMarks due Friday

The "Dividing Integers" TenMarks assignment found under the classwork section is due Friday!


Looking for some ways to study for your quiz??  Review your graphic organizers and/or practice integer skills on Jam Sessions!

September 19, 2016

First Quiz

Just a reminder that your first quiz of the year will be this Friday. It will be on applying all integer operations: addition, subtracting, multiplication, and division. We will review in class on Thursday. Make sure you remember the rules for working with positives and negatives and don't forget to study your graphic organizers!



September 19, 2016


Tonight's homework will be page 55 in your Go Math textbook. Remember, if you forget to bring home your book - go to my resources page and use the login credentials to access the online page to print out!

September 15, 2016


Tonight your homework is a worksheet on multiplying and dividing integers. Click the bold to open a copy!


Also, don't forget your TenMarks assignments are due tomorrow!

September 14, 2016

Adding & Subtracting Integers

Click here for tonight's homework worksheet... It is a review of adding and subtracting integers with both same and different signs!

September 13, 2016


Your only homework tonight is to work on your two TenMarks assignments that are due Friday! Make sure to manage your time wisely this week!


Remember your login information is -


Username: first two letters of your first name then your last name

Password: winthrop

September 12, 2016


Homework tonight is Worksheet 1.2 C .. If you forgot yours in school just click on the bold to open a copy!

September 07, 2016

Math Newsletter

Tonight's homework is to read over the math newsletter, sign it, and have a parent/guardian sign it as well. Parents - please include an email address you can be reached at. Thank you!

September 06, 2016

First Day

Congratulations on completing your first day of seventh grade! It was so nice to meet all of you and I am now even more excited for this year! Make sure to complete all the paperwork you received today with your parents/guardians and return it ASAP! Also don't forget to sign up for your correct classes on Remind!

September 06, 2016

Welcome Back!

Happy first day of school. Check back here to find homework updates each week, upcoming tests/quizzes, and other important dates.

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